Scott Berkun

Über den Blog eines Mannes namens Scott Berkun gestolpert: Besteller-Autor, Innovations-Papst und Verfasser cleverer Essays. Um sich zu charakterisieren, hat er den Proust-Fragebogen ausgefüllt und einige bemerkenswerte Antworten geliefert. Auszüge:

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
An evening spent drunk as a loon, looking up at stars, sitting by a bonfire, laughing with friends.

What is your most treasured possession?
My mind. I dont care much for material things. Besides, you never have to worry about someone breaking into your mansion and stealing your mind, you know? It’s the only thing than will always be only yours.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
How can you top Don Quixote? There’s no way.

How would you like to die?
Drunk as a loon, looking up at stars, sitting by a bonfire, laughing with friends.

What is your motto?
Be amazed by everything.