Robotics. AI. DNA Programming.

Wer die Welt verändern und steinreich werden will, dem möchte ich folgende Gedanken von Bill Gates mitgeben. Auszug aus einem Gespräch mit Steven Levy. Erschienen im Buch hackers – heroes of the computer revolution und in Wired.

Somewhere, Gates believes, there could be some genius who, starting from a blank set of paper, will create an entire industry. When I suggest that blank pieces of paper are hard to find, he brushes me off. “There’s tons,” he says. “In robotics. In AI. In DNA programming. And five or six things I can’t even name because I’m not young. We’ve got one hundred thirty-five million people born every year – we don’t need a high percentage. You don’t even need one a year. And so you can be extremely picky.”