Andrew Grove war der 3. CEO von Intel und hatte ein bemerkenswertes egalitäres Ethos (aus Wikipedia):
Grove asserted that knowledge power surpasses positional power. He ingrained that philosophy in the workplace culture at Intel. "We argue about issues, not the people who advocate them." As a testament to this ethos, there were no executive perks at Intel, including special dining rooms, washrooms, or parking spots. Grove's office was a standard 8 by 9 ft (2.4 by 2.7 m) cubicle, reflecting his personal preference for an egalitarian atmosphere. Grove disliked "mahogany-paneled corner offices." "I've been living in cubicles since 1978—and it hasn't hurt a whole lot." This accessibility made his workspace open to anyone who walked by.
This workplace culture is a reflection of Grove's personal life, where he was known for his modesty and lack of pretense. He lived simply, without luxury cars or private planes, and was described by venture capitalist Arthur Rock as having "no airs."